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Discover the benefits of our
pay for delete services

Paying off your debt for less than what is owed, have it removed from your credit report and improve your credit score. This is a free service for our credit repair clients.

How pay for deletions work

Simply let us know what you can afford to pay the collectors, and we try and negotiate
the terms with your collectors and have the negative item deleted from your credit report.

Tell us what you can pay

You tell us what you can realistically pay, whether it be a reduced lump sum or lower monthly payments.

We negotiate with collectors

We try and negotiate the payment terms with your debt collectors with the stipulation that they pay it upon receiving payment

You pay, they delete

If we come to an arrangement, you and collector both sign off on the terms. You pay, they delete the item.

Credit repair services

Benefits of pay for deletions

Paying for a deletion is a way to improve your credit score without having to wait seven years for negative items to fall off your credit report. The results are permanent, fast, and save you money.

Improve your credit score
Stop creditor harrassment
Reduce the amount you pay
Results are permanent
Schedule a free consultation
Types of accounts that pay for delete

Types of collections we can settle

Pay-for-delete agreements can potentially be negotiated with any type of account that has gone into collections, including credit cards, medical bills, personal loans, auto loans, and more. Examples of debt we may be able to help with include:

Credit card debt
Personal loan collections
Department store cards
Business collections


We are incredibly grateful for the testimonials our clients have given us, as they serve as a reminder of the positive impact we have been able to make in their lives. We are happy for you, and grateful for your kind words.

I hope this letter servers to encourage other brokers to determine to utilize the services of Brandon Fix Credit for the better long-term interest of their credit challenged clients. My only regret is that I didn’t find them sooner.

5 star review MyCreditGroup

Clarke Nelson
Peninsula Capital

Thanks to Judy for handling all the debt settlements. What differentiates you guys from other companies is that you really seem to care about your customers and don’t just see us as a revenue source.

5 star review MyCreditGroup

Brandon Fix Credit

Hello, Susan – Just want to reach out and thank you for the amazing work you have done for me. You have taken me from a credit score of High Risk to a respectable fair rating to date. YOU ROCK!

5 star review MyCreditGroup

Brandon Fix Credit

I went to the dealership and was approved for financing for the car I wanted!  I appreciate all that you have done and all the information you have provided me in helping me clean up my credit! Thank you so much.

5 star review MyCreditGroup

Tai M.
Brandon Fix Credit

Frequently asked questions

Here are some of the most commonly asked questions about pay for deletion services. If you can’t find what you’re looking for, please feel free to reach out.

Contact us

Does pay for delete raise your credit score?

While every situation is different and there are no guarantees, removing a negative item from your credit report and reducing your debt-to-credit ratio through a pay-for-delete agreement could potentially raise your credit score.

How much should I offer?

Because every situation is different, the amount that can be settled for will vary and is dependent by the state’s statute of limitations. Typically, settlements range from 30-60 percent

Pay for delete vs. paid in full

While paying your bills in full is always the right thing to do, having a negative item removed through a pay-for-delete agreement, as opposed to simply paying it in full, could be more beneficial for your credit score. Ideally, both paying the debt in full and having the negative item removed would be the best-case scenario.

Do creditors have to negotiate?

While nobody is obligated to negotiate a pay-for-delete agreement (or negotiate at all, for that matter), we have found that most collection agencies are willing to negotiate to some extent.

How much is your pay for delete service?

We include pay-for-delete services, as well as debt settlement services, for free to our credit repair clients.

Start Reducing Your Debt Today

Schedule a free consultation today to see how we can help you.

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